Saturday, October 02, 2004


Ain't going out like that, we're ain't going out like that

Now this is Expos baseball. 3 innings of 1 hit ball by the relief core (including Rauch - trying to impress where he can) 11 hits by the team but only one extra base hit (Terrmel Sledge's double)
and a 4-2 win. Scott Downs, who has pitched admirably since being called up, does so again and gets the win. I tell you there will be real competetion for the 4th and 5th starter next year (Behind I imagine Hernandez, Patterson, and a healed Armas). The only sad part is that Izturis might be too injured to play any more games. We get to see another minor league shortstop (Landaberia) but Izturis is most likely the wave of the future.

Sweep the Mets!

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